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Welcome to Odessa Martial Arts!

Our Classes

Kids Karate (Ages 5-7)

In each 30 minute class, kids learn proper etiquette, bowing and following directions quickly. Students gain confidence, discipline, strength, and balance while learning dozens of kicks, blocks, and strikes, and forms. They block foam bats, jump over obstacles, and strike through boards. At the end of class, we play a fun game and kids earn a stripe on their belt.

Junior Taekwondo (Ages 8-13)

Taekwondo is one of the most popular martial arts in the world, possibly because it features more kicks than any other! The Junior Taekwondo program was created for a younger audience but retains all the core values and benefits of Taekwondo, and of course, ALL the kicks! Each class consists of new kicks, strikes, blocks, and techniques for defending and escaping from attackers. Students also do board breaking, learn Korean words, and play fun games.

Highly structured program with computerized belt tracking. Each class has a theme that changes daily. Popular themes include Kick Tricks, Board Breaking, Demo Team, Form Clinic, Sparring, and Advanced Self-Defense. On test day students receive a new belt and certificate and break real wooden boards (all included with your tuition). Come in for a free trial!

Class Schedule

Kids Karate (Ages 5-7)

Junior Taekwondo (Ages 8-13)

Latest Martial Arts Calendar (click for larger view)


Ben Orona, is a 4th Degree Black Belt with over 12 years of training in the art of Taekwondo.  He began his training under Grand Master Ron Bastien and continued under World Record Board Breaker, Cheryl Cleveland receiving his First Degree Black Belt in 2008. A teacher who believes everyone deserves a chance to grow and succeed regardless of their ability level, “Mr. Ben” also tutors children in math and teaches science classes. Kids absolutely love his fun dynamic drills and the enthusiasm he brings into every class.

Diane Clark is a 4th Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo and a certified Krav Maga instructor with 20+ years of competitive physical training/teaching experience.  With additional expertise in weightlifting, functional strength & endurance training, and yoga, Coach Diane takes a cross-disciplinary approach to self-defense/street survival training for adults and children. 

Cheryl Cleveland is a 5th Degree Black Belt with 20 years of training in Taekwondo.  She broke a World Record in board breaking for most boards broken ever by a female. Instructor Cheryl loves teaching students of all levels and abilities! Find out more about her here: Cheryl Cleveland
